AccueilMemovoc EnglishLe cahier de vocabulaire à compléter Memovoc EnglishShops and places – Memorisation activities Shops and places – Memorisation activities 1. Regarder les vidéos et répéter les mots. vidéo 1 vidéo 2 2. Associer l’image au mot le plus vite possible ! game 1 game 2 3. Écouter et associer l’image et le son. matching 1 matching 2 /19 4. Quiz time!Objectif : 100% de bonnes réponses 😀 a post office a hospital a stadium a stadium a church a town hall a supermarket a restaurant a church a supermarket a post office a shopping center a supermarket a park a post office a library a bank a post office a church a park a town hall a town hall a beauty salon a hairdresser's a bus stop a car park a railway station a police station a fire station a railway station a fire station a swimming pool a bank a car park a bus stop a railway station a hospital a post office a restaurant a car park a bus stop a railway station a town hall a library a restaurant a supermarket a park a shopping center a shopping center a stadium a park a railway station a fire station a police station a hairdresser's a beauty salon a church 0% Recommencer /12 4bis. Un autre quiz, avec 12 noms de magasin à trouver ! a clothes shop a sports shop a florist's a greengrocer's a pet shop a florist's a clothes shop a sports shop a pet shop a newsagent's a bookshop a stationer's a butcher's a fishmonger's a baker's a bookshop a newsagent's a clothes shop a fishmonger's a baker's a butcher's a pharmacy a sports shop a clothes shop a bookshop a stationer's a newsagent's a fishmonger's a butcher's a baker's a stationer's a pharmacy a greengrocer's a florist's a pet shop a greengrocer's 0% Recommencer 5. Écrire le nom des lieux.Good luck! 5bis. Dans quel magasin pourrez-vous acheter…Objectif : 100 % de bonnes réponses aussi ! Acheter la fiche à compléter au format PDF 6. Faire d’autres exercices en ligne. Start