AccueilMemovoc EnglishLe cahier de vocabulaire à compléter Memovoc EnglishLocations and directions – Memorisation activities Locations and directions – Memorisation activities 1. Regarder la vidéo et répéter les phrases. Start 2. Associer l’image à la phrase le plus vite possible ! Start 3. Écouter et associer l’image et le son. Start /17 4. Quiz time!Objectif : 100% de bonnes réponses 😀 Go to the roundabout Go to the traffic lights Go across the bridge It's next to the pet shop Go past the pet shop It's between the shoe shop and the pet shop Go across the street Take the second turning on the left Take the first turning on the right Go to the roundabout Go to the traffic lights Go past the pet shop Go straight on Go up the street Turn right It's next to the pet shop It's opposite the pet shop Go past the pet shop Go down the street Go up the street Go straight on It's next to the pet shop It's opposite the pet shop Go past the pet shop Go up the street Go down the street Go straight on Go past the pet shop Go to the traffic lights Go to the roundabout Turn right Turn left Take the second turning on the left It's between the shoe shop and the pet shop It's at the corner of Bond Street and Elm Street Go past the pet shop Go up the street Go straight on Go across the street Take the first turning on the right Take the second turning on the left Go across the street It's at the corner of Bond Street and Elm Street It's between the shoe shop and the pet shop It's opposite the pet shop Où est le fleuriste, s'il vous plaît ? Where is the florist's please? What is the florist's please ? Where are the florist's please ? Turn right Turn left Go to the roundabout 0% Recommencer 5. Écrire les phrases.Objectif : 100 % de bonnes réponses aussi ! Acheter la fiche à compléter au format PDF 6. Faire d’autres exercices en ligne. Start