AccueilMemovoc EnglishLe cahier de vocabulaire à compléter Memovoc EnglishHabitat – Memorisation activities Habitat – Memorisation activities 1. Regarder la vidéo et répéter les phrases. Start 2. Associer l’image à la phrase le plus vite possible ! Start 3. Écouter et associer l’image et le son. Start /16 4. Quiz time!Objectif : 100% de bonnes réponses 😀 I live in a cottage I live in a hut I live in a terraced house I live in a cottage I live on a farm I live in a hut I live in a palace I live in a manor I live in a castle I live in a detached house I live in a semi-detached house I live in a terraced house I live in a castle I live in a sky-scraper I live in a block of flats I live in a tent I live in a caravan I live in a hut I live in a sky-scraper I live in a semi-detached house I live in a block of flats I live in a cottage I live in a bungalow I live on a farm I live in a castle I live in a manor I live in a palace I live in a tent I live in a hut I live in an igloo I live in a hut I live in a barge I live in a tent I live in a tent I live in a hut I live in an igloo I live in a semi-detached house I live in a detached house I live in a terraced house I live in a terraced house I live in a semi-detached house I live in a detached house I live in a castle I live in a palace I live in a manor I live in a tent I live in a bungalow I live in a barge 0% Recommencer 5. Écrire les mots.Objectif : 100 % de bonnes réponses aussi ! Acheter la fiche à compléter au format PDF 6. Faire d’autres exercices en ligne. Start