AccueilMemovoc EnglishLe cahier de vocabulaire à compléter Memovoc EnglishDaily habits – Memorisation activities Daily habits – Memorisation activities 1. Regarder les vidéos et répéter les mots. vidéo 1 vidéo 2 2. Associer l’image au mot le plus vite possible ! game 1 game 2 3. Écouter et associer l’image et le son. matching 1 matching 2 /12 4. Quiz time!Objectif : 100 % de bonnes réponses 😀 get up take the bus leave home have a shower wash my face go to the toilet get up go to the toilet wake up take the bus wake up leave home wash my face brush my teeth brush my hair have a shower brush my hair wash my face brush my hair dry my hair have a shower dry my hair brush my teeth brush my hair brush my teeth have a shower wash my face wake up get up get dressed go to the toilet get up wake up have breakfast get dressed have a shower 0% Recommencer /12 4bis. Un autre quiz avec 12 activités à trouver. sleep watch TV go to bed go home do my homework arrive at school have lessons walk the dog arrive at school arrive at school have lessons do my homework do my homework go home watch TV do my homework have lessons watch TV go to bed sleep have a bath walk the dog have a bath have lunch have a bath have dinner get undressed go to bed get undressed do my homework go home go to bed arrive at school have dinner have lessons get undressed 0% Recommencer 5. Écrire 12 activités quotidiennes.Good luck! 5bis. Écrire 12 autres activités.Objectif : 100 % de bonnes réponses aussi ! Acheter la fiche à compléter au format PDF 6. Faire d’autres exercices en ligne. Start