AccueilMemovoc EnglishLe cahier de vocabulaire à compléter Memovoc EnglishClassroom instructions – Memorisation activities Classroom instructions – Memorisation activities 1. Regarder la vidéo et répéter les phrases. Start 2. Associer l’image à la phrase le plus vite possible ! Start 3. Écouter et associer l’image et le son. Start /15 4. Quiz time!Objectif : 100% de bonnes réponses 😀 Repeat after me! Look at the picture! Listen to the music! Stick the paper in your notebook! Write it down! Put all your things away! Listen to the music! Write it down! Repeat after me! Open your notebook! Close your book! Put all your things away! Be quiet! Repeat after me! Write it down! Sit down! Open your notebook! Close your book! Take out a pencil! Open your notebook! Work in pairs! Write it down! Be quiet! Look at the picture! Stand up! Work in pairs! Sit down! Take out a pencil! Open your notebook! Put all your things away! Switch the computers off! Close your book! Switch the computers on! Stick the paper in your notebook! Work in pairs! Write it down! Sit down! Stand up! Write it down! Stick the paper in your notebook! Close your book! Write it down! Open your notebook! Switch the computers off! Switch the computers on! 0% Recommencer 5. Écrire les phrases.Objectif : 100 % de bonnes réponses aussi ! Acheter la fiche à compléter au format PDF 6. Faire d’autres exercices en ligne. Start